Test your midi pitchbend range

The midi loop that automatically plays once on this page is to test the pitchbend range used on your playback equipment.
The track plays two consecutive notes:
On channel 1 it plays 
Note no. (056) = G#2 with +4096  pitchbend units.
On channel 2 it plays
Note no. (057) = A2 with 0 pitchbend units

If you hear them as the same pitch, your system is interpreting the midi pitchbend as 4096 units per semitone.
If the pitch changes by one semitone (100 cents), then it is  being read or played without any pitchbend.

This is the system which has been used on all midifiles on the site.

Colombia Lullaby Midi File (colum1.mid)

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Test MIDI Pitchbend (test4096.mid)

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